Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Third Issue

Now OPEN for submissions for the third issue regarding the theme "Seven Seas"!

Genre: Medieval Fantasy/Steampunk/Adventure.
I do not accept any horror stories--gothic or supernatural.  No "dark" pieces of writing, poems, or artwork.

I want tales of the high seas!  Throw me your pirate, mermaid, buried treasure, ships, and sailor stories and artwork!  Anything that has to do with the ocean, I'm ready for it.  Hurry and get your submissions in!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Second Issue

Now OPEN for submissions regarding the theme "Wunderkammer".  The issue should be out by next week, so hurry!
Genre: Medieval Fantasy/Steampunk/anything Whimsical or Fantastical
Will NOT accept horror, gothic, or supernatural.  No "dark" stories, poems, or artwork.
Defined in the dictionary, wunderkammer means "a place where a collection of curiosities and rarities is exhibited".  That is exactly what I want: stories of the curious and rare nature.  Anything that is quirky and strange--think Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan.  Twists, endless staircases, a child with an imaginary friend, a boy who never grew up...a raven and a writing desk.
Artwork: I want quirky pictures that don't really explain what they are--think strange like a staircase with hands, a mad hatter sipping tea, talking candlesticks...you get the idea.
Look under "Submissions" on the top for contact information.  

Traveler's Tales

The first issue of There and Back Again is now up!

 Click Here


Sunday, April 15, 2012

First Issue

Now open for submissions on all work with the theme "Traveler's Tales".  Read the guidelines under Submissions at the top.  Looking for all types: drawings, short stories, prose, fiction.  I will be periodically writing a column, and I would like to feature several pieces of writing and artwork in each issue.


What is There and Back Again?  Quite simply put, it is an online editorial that features young people's writing and artwork.  Inspired by Tolkien's use of the written language, this editorial is to encourage young people to embrace their writing and creativity. 