
Now OPEN for submissions regarding the theme "Tangled".

Genre: Fantasy/Steampunk/Adventure/anything whimsical
I do NOT accept any horror stories--gothic or supernatural.  No "dark" pieces of writing or poems, or artwork.

Throw me your knots, tangled webs of ideas and stories.  Give me your intricate descriptions and woven lines--clocks and gears, intrigue and complications.  I'm especially looking for steampunk.

Prose: I want descriptions--purple prose, to put it clearly.  I want words to flow around and just jump off the page because they're so strong.  I want the descriptions to take up the story.

Poetry: I do not want modern or sappy romance.  Anything that fits with the current theme.  I don't mind blank verse.

Short Stories: I don't want stories too much over 1,500 words.  They need to be clear-cut, with descriptive writing with an original feel to it.  If you think that it doesn't quite fit in, but you think I would still like it, go on and send it.  There is no need to query about submissions.  No explicit material.

Reviews: I want reviews regarding books with a fantasy/steampunk/adventure genre or along those lines--a book you are reading right now, one that is sitting on your bookshelf, or a new book that just came out!  The review can include anything, but I would prefer it to stay under 1,000 words.

All rights regarding writing and artwork remain with the author, and you can remove your work at any time--although I do ask that you allow me to put it under the "Archives".

Please send all writing submissions to oldschoolink95(at)gmail(dot)com.  I will try to respond within seven days.   Under the subject line, put "Submission: Your Story Title".  Please include a brief introduction of yourself.   Attach your work in a Word file.

If a week has passed, and I still have not responded, send a query letter with "Query: Your Story Title/Artwork" in the subject line.

Jackie Falcon
Editor of There and Back Again

Artwork: I will consider anything.  Watercolors and paintings are fine.  The drawing can be of anything: a traveler, an old inn, a crazy scientist bent over an old steampunk machine, a portrait of a character from a fantasy series--all as long as it fits the theme.

Send artwork submissions to skyeoctober(at)gmail(dot)com.  Please include a brief introduction of yourself.  Attach artwork in a file.  In the subject put "Submission: Artwork".  I will try to respond within seven days.  If I don't, feel free to send a query email about your drawing.

October Skye

List for upcoming themes:
Tangled: intrigue, complications--clockwork, gears--especially looking for Steampunk on this one.
Fairytales: fairies, old tales, myths, yarns of times gone by.

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